AAA000 Course Title

Introduction: Connecting Your Learning

This module discusses perimeter and circumference of geometric figures. By the end of this lesson, you should be familiar with the definition of polygon, diameter and radius of a circle, and how to calculate the perimeter and circumference of a circle.

Be careful not to overlook the beginning of this lesson. The lesson opens with the definition of a polygon. Sometimes polygons are oddly shaped; they are not usually your typical rectangles and squares. Within modern architecture, there is a good possibility that you may work in office spaces that are oddly shaped in design. You might be asked to work in or set up work spaces in offices that have no right angles or possibly no straight walls.

As you work through this lesson, visualize how you would lay out your office or a grouping of work stations within these oddly shaped rooms in order to reduce the amount of network cabling you will need to purchase.

Focusing Your Learning

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Define polygon.
  2. Calculate the perimeter of common geometric shapes.
  3. Calculate the circumference, the diameter, and the radius of a circle.



What is a polygon?

A polygon is a closed plane (flat) figure whose sides are line segments (portions of straight lines).


Four shapes, each completely closed, with various numbers of straight line segments as sides.

Not Polygons

Four shapes. One three-sided open box. One oval. One oval-shaped object with one flat side, and one nondescript blob.

Interactive Activity Ico

Select the following link to visit a Web site that provides a detailed explanation of what a polygon is. The site also provides examples to help you better understand this newly introduced geometric shape.

Identifying Polygons



What does the term perimeter mean?

The perimeter of a polygon is the distance around the polygon.

To find the perimeter of a polygon, you add up the lengths of all the sides.

Take a look at the following examples to see how to find the perimeter of each polygon.

A rectangle with short sides of length 2 cm and long sides of length 5 cm.

Perimeter = 2 cm+5 cm+2 cm+5 cm = 14 cm

A polygon with sides of the following lengths: 9.2cm, 31mm, 4.2mm, 4.3mm, 1.52cm, and 5.4mm.

Perimeter = 3.1 mm +4.2 mm +4.3 mm +1.52 mm+ 5.4 mm +9.2 mm = 27.72 mm

Here is one more example that shows how to determine the area when a measurement is missing.

A polygon with eight sides. It is not an octagon, but can be visualized as one large rectangle with two  smaller rectangles connected to it.

You will notice that three of the dimensions are missing. However, you can determine the missing measurements using the following process. Let A, B, and C represent the missing measurements.

A polygon with eight sides. It is not an octagon, but can be visualized as one large rectangle with two smaller rectangles connected to it.  The height and width are measured and labeled with variables, A, B, and C.

A = 12 m – 2 m = 10 m

B = 9 m + 1 m – 2 m = 8 m

C = 12 m – 1 m = 11 m

Perimeter = 8 m + 10 m + 2 m + 2 m+ 9 m + 11 m + 1 m +1 m = 44 m

Practice Ico

Now that you have reviewed the examples, it is time to practice on your own. Find the perimeter of each polygon below then select Check Your Answers to see how well you did. You will need a sheet of paper and a pencil to complete this practice activity.

Practice 1

A three-sided polygon with sides of the following lengths: 3 ft, 8 ft, and 9 ft.

Practice 2

A four-sided polygon with sides of the following length: 6.1m, 8.6m, 6.3m, and 5.8m.

Practice 3

A seven-sided polygon with sides of the following lengths: 10.07mi, 3.88mi, 4.54mi, 4.92mi, 12.61, 10.76mi, and 3.11mi.

Check Answers

Practice 1: 20 ft.

Practice 2: 26.8 m

Practice 3: 49.89 mi.


Circumference, Diameter, and Radius

What is the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle.


What is the diameter of a circle?

The diameter of a circle is any line segment that passes through the center of the circle and has its endpoints on the circle.


What is the radius of a circle?

The radius of a circle is any line segment having as its endpoints the center of the circle and a point on the circle. The radius equals one-half the diameter.

A circle with a line directly through the middle, ending at the edges of the shape. The entire length of the line is labeled diameter, and the length of the portion of the line from the center of the circle to the edge of the circle is labeled radius.

The Number π

What does the symbol π mean?

The symbol π, read "pi," represents the nonterminating, nonrepeating decimal number 3.14159...

For computational purposes, π is often approximated as 3.14. You write π ≈ 3.14 to denote that π is approximately equal to 3.14. The symbol "≈" means "approximately equal to."

Now that you have a better understanding of the terms circumference, diameter, radius, and pi- π ≈ 3.14, it is time to learn the formula you will need to compute the circumference of a circle.

A formula is a rule usually composed of letters that represent important, but possibly unknown, quantities.


Circumference Formulas

C = πd or C ≈ (3.14) d

C = 2πr or C ≈ 2 (3.14) r

Take a look at the following examples to see how to determine the circumference of a circle.

Example 1

Find the exact circumference of the circle.

A circle with a dashed line from one edge to the other, labeled d = 7 in.

Use the formula C = πd.

C = π ⋅ 7 in.

By the commutative property of multiplication,

C = 7 in. ⋅ π

C =7π in., exactly

This result is exact since π has not been approximated.

Example 2

Find the approximate circumference of the circle.

A circle with a dashed line from one edge to the other, labeled d = 6.2 mm.

Use the formula C = πd.

C ≈ (3.14)(6.2)

C ≈ 19.648 mm

This result is approximate since π has been approximated by 3.14.

Example 3

Find the approximate circumference of a circle with radius of 18 in.

Since you know that the radius r is 18 in., use the formula C = 2πr.

C ≈ (2)(3.14)(18 in.)

C≈113.04 in.

For additional explanations and working examples of how to find the perimeter of a polygon and the circumference of a circle watch the following Khan Academy videos.

Play Ico

Math Video Toolkit

Perimeter of a Polygon

Perimeter of a Nonstandard Polygon

Circles: Radius, Diameter, and Circumference

Practice: Perimeter and Circumference

Practice Ico

Now you have the chance to work out some problems. You may use a calculator if you would like. Study each of these problems carefully; you will see similar problems on the lesson knowledge check.

Select the following link to complete the practice activity. You will need to get out a piece of paper and a pencil to complete the practice problems.

Finding the Perimeter and Circumference Practice Problems

Once you complete the practice activity, check to see how well you did by selecting the following link:

Solutions: Finding the Perimeter and Circumference

Summarizing Your Learning

In this lesson, you learned about polygons and how to measure their perimeters. For most of the shapes, you add up the lengths of all the sides. For circles, you use the formula C = 2πr or C = πd.

Assessing Your Learning

Assignement Ico

Now that you have read over the lesson carefully and attempted the practice problems, it is time to test your knowledge. Please note that this is a graded part of this lesson so be sure you have prepared yourself before starting.

  1. Complete the Geometric Figures: Perimeter and Circumference.


Measurement and Geometry: Area and Volume of Geometric Figures and Objects” by Ellis, W., & Burzynski, D. © 2010 retrieved from is used under a Creative Commons Attribution This is an adaption of the lesson titled, “Perimeters and Circumference,” by the National Information Security and Geospatial Technologies Consortium (NISGTC) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit


Additional Attributions