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Here is an important message from President Smith.
Dear Students,
As we watched unfathomable events unfold at our nation’s capitol yesterday, we are heartbroken by the violence and inequity that our nation witnessed. We recognize the deep divisions we continue to see within our country, divisions that are long held and have been brought to the forefront more recently in unproductive and, sometimes, heinous ways.
In reflecting on these events and the current state of our nation, we continue to condemn violence, we condemn racism and inequity, and we condemn any hateful acts. We call for civil dialogue and engagement.
Higher education institutions stand at the crossroads of inclusion and education, a most powerful calling. Let us take up the mantle of inclusive education with renewed vigor and purpose to champion equity, inclusion and justice— always grounded in our practices of mindfulness, empathy, and resiliency. Rio Salado is united in the work we do and the students we serve.
Kate Smith
Rio Salado College
Interim President