Important Documents and Forms
Arizona Out-of-County Residence Affidavit
Maricopa Community Colleges and other established districts in the state may admit students from any area of this state that is not a part of an established community college district on the same conditions as residents.
Click here for submission instructions.
Used by Greenlee and Apache counties to apply for the Maricopa County tuition rate.
Form Requirements
Students must reside in the Arizona counties of Greenlee and Apache and be enrolled in current classes at the time of submission.
Recommended Documents to upload/attach for submission with form:
Arizona Driver’s License or ID with County address
Arizona State Income Tax
Bank Accounts
Current Utility Bill
Dependency as indicated on Federal Income Tax
High School ID
Notarized statements from landlords/employers
Other documentation of proof of address
Ownership of real property
Source of financial supportForms submitted without documents will not be approved.
Processing Time
Up to 3-5 business days if the student is enrolled in classes. If not enrolled, the student will need to contact the Student Business Services office to notify enrollment of classes.
Phone: (480) 517-8330
Declaration of No Degree Form (PDF)
This document is used when, in the Admissions Application, students accidentally select they currently have a degree and would like their record to show they do not have a previous degree. Please note: this document must be notarized, and previous transcripts may be required to verify information.
Click here for submission instructions.
If a student mistakenly indicated they previously obtained a college degree during the admissions process, this form can be used to correct it.
Form Requirements
Admitted to Rio Salado College
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Download and complete the form. Form must be notarized by public notary.
Fax: (480) 377-4658
In Person or by Mail
Rio Salado College - Records
Admissions and Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Phone: (480) 517-8540
ID Authentication and Lawful Presence
All MCCCD students are required to provide a valid photo ID to enroll into courses. Those living in Arizona must provide proof of lawful presence in the United States for tuition purposes (eligibility of in-state tuition). Lawful presence is established by completing a Student Declaration Form and submitting appropriate documentation. All students who will be disbursed financial aid or request a refund of tuition will be required to validate identification through this same process.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by students to provide documentation for three purposes:
1. To verify identification and lawful presence for new students
2. For new AZ residents to provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S. for tuition purposes
3. For out-of-state students to provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S. to fulfill scholarship requirements
Form Requirements
Admitted to Rio Salado College
· Scanned or legible photocopy of documentation to prove lawful presence and/or identity*.
Recommend Documents
- Current valid AZ Drivers License or ID Card**
- US Passport or Passport Card
- Any current, valid, government issued photo ID.
- For a complete list of acceptable documents click here. -
Processing Time
· January and August - up to ten business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
In Person or by Mail
Rio Salado College - Records
Admissions and Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*Your form may be rejected if the image does not meet requirements. We have the right to refuse any document or ask for additional documentation.
**Temporary IDs (paper copy) issued by the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division are acceptable for HB2008, Prop 300, ID authentication, and residency.
MCCCD Domicile Affidavit - Independent Student
In order for a student to be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes, they must be residing in Arizona for a full 365 days prior to the start of the current term. Residency must be determined within the refund deadline of the first course of the current semester. Domicile Affidavits received after the refund deadline will be reviewed and processed for upcoming semesters. Some visa types are not eligible for in-state residency and student’s status must be determined prior to the start of the semester. Ownership of property or payment of taxes within a state is not necessarily the sole basis for determining residency. There are three forms to choose from:
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by the student to request classification as an in-state student for tuition purposes
Form Requirements
· Admitted to Rio Salado College
· Students must demonstrate at least one year of financial independence.
· Students must obtain two or more of the following documents to validate physical presence in the state of Arizona for 12 consecutive months before the semester in which the student wishes to obtain residency.
- Arizona income tax return
- Arizona motor vehicle registration
- Arizona voter registration
- Change of permanent residency on all pertinent records
- Current employment history in Arizona
- Dependency as indicated on a federal income tax return
- Notarized statement of landlord and/or employer
- Ownership of real property*
- Place of recent graduation from high school
- Source of financial support in Arizona
- Transfer of major banking services to Arizona· Access the form below for more details and exceptions to the 12 month rule.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*Ownership of property or payment of taxes within a state is not necessarily the sole basis for determining residency. NOTE: Some visa types are not eligible for in-state residency and student’s status must be determined prior to the start of the semester. Residency must be determined within the refund deadline of the first course of the current semester. Domicile Affidavits received after the refund deadline will be reviewed and processed for upcoming semesters.
MCCCD Domicile Affidavit - Dependent Student (dependents of parent or spouse)
A one-year residency requirement is enforced in order for a student to be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by the student and their parent, legal guardian or spouse when the student wishes to be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes based on the parent, legal guardian, or spouse's residency status.
Form Requirements
· Already admitted to Rio Salado College
· Students have been claimed as a dependent by a parent, legal guardian, or spouse.
· If claimed by a parent or legal guardian, the student must be under 26 years old. There are no age limits for spousal dependents.
· Proof of Dependency as indicated on a federal income tax return AND
· Parent/Legal Guardian/Spouse must obtain two or more of the following documents to validate physical presence in the state of Arizona for 12 consecutive months before the semester in which the student wishes to obtain residency.
- Arizona income tax return
- Arizona motor vehicle registration
- Arizona voter registration
- Current employment history in Arizona
- Current graduation from an Arizona high school
- Change of permanent residency on all pertinent records
- Notarized statement of landlord and/or employer
- Ownership of real property*
- Source of financial support in Arizona
- Transfer of major banking services to Arizona· Access the form below for more details and exceptions to the 12 month rule.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Online - eForm
***Students log in with their MEID and password and complete the form with their parent/legal guardian or spouse.*** -
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*Ownership of property or payment of taxes within a state is not necessarily the sole basis for determining residency. NOTE: Some visa types are not eligible for in-state residency and student’s status must be determined prior to the start of the semester. Residency must be determined within the refund deadline of the first course of the current semester. Domicile Affidavits received after the refund deadline will be reviewed and processed for upcoming semesters.
MCCCD Domicile Affidavit - Military or Veteran Student
Click here for submission instructions.
To aid in the determination of residency for tuition purposes for student veterans and veteran dependent students using VA educational benefits only.
Form Requirements
For proper residency classification, student veterans need to:
1. Complete the Domicile Affidavit.
2. Provide proof that you are a student veteran and/or a student using VA educational Benefits.
3. Provide proof that you that intend to be a resident of Arizona (if applying for the in-state tuition rate)A combination of the following may be used as evidence of intent to be a resident of Arizona:
- Employment history in Arizona
- Transfer of major banking services to Arizona
- Arizona motor vehicle registration
- Arizona voter registration
- Arizona driver license
- Change of permanent address on all pertinent records
- Other material of whatever kind or source relevant to domicile or residency status -
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*Ownership of property or payment of taxes within a state is not necessarily the sole basis for determining residency. NOTE: Some visa types are not eligible for in-state residency and student’s status must be determined prior to the start of the semester. Residency must be determined within the refund deadline of the first course of the current semester. Domicile Affidavits received after the refund deadline will be reviewed and processed for upcoming semesters.
Student Declaration Form (PDF)
A form for students to verify their lawful presence in the US for tuition, financial aid and scholarship purposes.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by students to verify their lawful presence in the US for tuition, financial aid and scholarship purposes.
Form Requirements
· Admitted to Rio Salado College
· Documentation to support lawful presence. Click here for a list of acceptable documents. -
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Download and complete the form, then submit:
In Person or by Mail
Rio Salado College - Records
Admissions and Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Phone: (480) 517-8540
Student Admissions Application (PDF)
Want to become a student? Fill out this form. No application fees.
Click here for submission instructions.
Apply for admissions to Rio Salado College for Educational Services Partnerships and students taking classes at locations.
Form Requirements
· For legal name changes or corrections, you will need a color copy of a valid Driver’s License, Divorce Degree, or Marriage Certificate with your new name.
· For Social Security Number (SSN) corrections you will need a scanned color copy or your Social Security Card.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Download and complete the form, then submit:
In Person or by Mail
Rio Salado College - Admissions
Admissions and Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Phone: (480) 517-8540
Teacher Waiver (PDF)
An individual may be eligible for an exemption of non-resident tuition for approved courses if such a person is an employee of a school district in AZ and is under contract to teach on a full-time basis or employed as a full-time, non-certified classroom aide at a school within that school district.
Click here for submission instructions.
Teachers and classroom aides seeking in-state classification for courses required by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in Arizona.
Form Requirements
1. Provide verification of full-time employment as a teacher or non-certified classroom aide in an Arizona school district.
2. Provide evidence of intent to be a resident of Arizona by the absence of ties to the former state of residence (i.e., Arizona Driver’s License, Arizona Vehicle Registration, etc.). In establishing domicile, an alien must not hold a visa that prohibits establishing domicile in this state.
3. Officially declare with the Office of Admissions and Records a program of study that leads to 1) a degree in elementary or secondary education or 2) teacher certificate recognized by the Arizona Department of Education.
4. Submit documentation regarding 1) coursework required by the Arizona Department of Education or 2) coursework required for a degree in elementary or secondary education as signed by an Academic Advisor. Under ARS §15-1802, only “courses necessary to complete the requirements for certification by the State Board of Education to teach in a school district in this state” qualify for in-state tuition.
5. Re-apply and prove eligibility for an exemption of non-resident tuition under this exception each semester until which time a petition is approved for reclassification to resident status as per ARS §15-1802.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Download and complete the form, then submit:
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (150% of Arizona in-state tuition)
Students who are residents of a WUE state (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) are eligible to apply. Rio Salado students residing outside of Arizona must be declared in an associate's degree program and enrolled in six (6) credit hours to qualify.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by students who currently reside in a WUE designated state for educational purposes and would like to request the WUE tuition rate.
Form Requirements
· Student must reside in one of the following states:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon South Dakota, Utah, Washington Wyoming, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
· Students who live outside of Arizona must be enrolled in an associate’s degree program with Rio Salado in order to qualify for WUE rates.
· Those living in Arizona may be supplemental students.
· Clear color copy of your driver's license or state issued ID.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
WUE status must be established within the refund period of the first course of the first semester a student enrolls with Rio Salado College.
*WUE students are not allowed to change their WUE status once registration for classes has been processed.
Once a student is classified WUE, they are not eligible to request in-state tuition until they have either paid the out-of- state rate or sat out of MCCCD for a minimum of a year.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Rio Salado College complies with these requirements
Click here for submission instructions.
Students use this form to allow release of their educational records to a 3rd party, for example a parent or spouse.
This form only allows for release of information, it does not allow the 3rd party to perform or request transactions on behalf of the student.
Form Requirements
Admitted to Rio Salado College or Maricopa Community College.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Log-in with your MEID and password.
Download and complete the form, then submit:
In Person or by Mail
Rio Salado College - Records
Admissions and Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*FERPA Releases are only valid for one year from the date of submission.
Graduation and Degree or Certification Completion
For students who want to apply for their Degree or Certification of Completion. There is a separate form for those who wish to participate in the Commencement ceremony (available each year in January).
Click here for submission instructions.
Used by Students to apply for their Degree or Certification of Completion and/or to participate in Commencement.
Form Requirements
· Applications should be submitted within one week of completing the final courses of a degree, certificate or program. Students planning to participate in the commencement ceremony may submit their application early to meet the March deadline.
· You must have a declared degree and/or certificate with Rio Salado College.
· Before a degree/certificate can be awarded, all debts must be paid with any of the Maricopa Community Colleges.
· Verify that your mailing address is correct in your Student Center, diplomas/certificates will be mailed to the mailing address on file.
· Verify that Official Transcript(s) for transfer credits from other institution(s) are on file. Official Transcripts should be mailed directly from the institution to the address below.
Rio Salado College
C/O Transfer Credit – Records
2323 W. 14th Street
Tempe AZ 85281-
Processing Time
10 business days
Students log in with their MEID and password
If you have any questions about your degree program or catalog year, contact Academic Advisement at (480) 517-8580
Students who wish to obtain a tuition refund or to re-enroll into a class without repaying after the drop deadline will need to complete the Refund Exception form and include documentation to validate the reason for the exception.
Click here for submission instructions.
Students who are requesting refund of tuition for courses from which they have withdrawn from due to extreme circumstances beyond their control.
Form Requirements
· Students must be already withdrawn from the class(es) for which they are requesting the refund exception.
· If the student has already received a grade (A, B, C, D, or F) for the course(s) in question, the student is NOT eligible for a refund exception.
· You must provide a written explanation and attach documentation to substantiate your request for an exception to the refund policy.
Eligible Reasons are:
- Military Service Orders
- Serious Personal Illness
- Serious Illness or death of family member
- Technical Reasons· If a student has received financial aid for the requested semester, the student must check with the Financial Aid Office before submitting this request.
Processing Time
Requests are reviewed by a committee every second and fourth Wednesday of the month.
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8420
*FERPA Releases are only valid for one year from the date of submission.
Repeated Course Petition Form (Dynamic Form)
Students who wish to improve a previously earned grade may repeat a course within the Maricopa Community Colleges up to three times after the initial attempt. Use this form to request that the higher grade earned on the repeated course be used toward calculation of your grade point average.
Click here for submission instructions.
Students who wish to improve a previously earned grade may repeat a course within the Maricopa Community Colleges up to three times after the initial attempt. Use this form to request that the higher grade earned on the repeated course be used toward the calculation of your grade point average.
Form Requirements
Students must submit their request to the campus where the lower grade was earned to exclude it from their GPA. For example: a student who received a C at Rio Salado, but received an A at Mesa Community College would reach out to Rio Salado to have the C excluded.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
* Students are limited to three (3) additional repeats of a course in order to improve a grade. All course grades will remain on your official academic transcript.
Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal (Dynamic Form)
*Cannot be applied to classes that already have a Y or letter grade on student's record (student must address that request with the instructor)
Compassionate Withdrawal
*Effective for classes starting fall 2023
*Must be requested no later than two weeks prior to the end of class
*Must include all classes for the semester
Is considered when a sudden emergency or severe change in personal circumstances results in an inability to continue/complete courses. The student provides a written statement of their situation and any documentation to support this request if applicable (e.g., death certificate, accident report, etc.).
Medical Withdrawal
Is considered when there is an unexpected serious illness or injury that prevents the student from continuing with their course(s). The medical withdrawal policy covers physical health and mental health difficulties. All applications for compassionate and medical withdrawal that are submitted by the student or on their behalf require thorough and credible documentation.
Medical and compassionate withdrawal applications and supporting documents are retained for at least five years and filed securely. If a request for a refund has also been made, further assessment is done to determine eligibility.
Click here for submission instructions.
Form Requirements
Must be past the "Last Date to Withdraw'' for the class(es) and no less than two weeks before the earliest end date of their classes. Note: Students wishing to withdraw prior to the Last Date to Withdraw may do so themselves via the Student Center linked in the middle of the page.
Students requesting to withdraw from all courses after the Last Date to Withdraw must provide a written explanation and appropriate supporting documentation.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8420
Student Information Correction Request
Complete this form to request a name and/or address correction. Address and contact info can also be corrected via the Student Center at
Click here for submission instructions.
Used by Students to request a change or correction to their Student Information: name, SSN, gender identity, address, phone number, etc.
Form Requirements
· For legal name changes or corrections, you will need a copy of a valid Driver’s License, Divorce Degree, or Marriage Certificate with your new name.
· For Social Security Number (SSN) corrections you will need a scanned color copy or your Social Security Card. -
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Online Self Service
Address, email, and phone number changes or corrections can be done in your Student Center at
Log-in with your MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8540
Legal Name/Legal Sex Update Request
For legal name changes you must upload documentation or a scanned image of government Photo ID with the new name.
Click here for submission instructions.
Used by Students to request a change or correction to their Student Information: name, SSN, gender identity, address, phone number, etc.
Form Requirements
· For legal name changes or corrections, you will need a copy of a valid Driver’s License, Divorce Degree, or Marriage Certificate with your new name.
· For Social Security Number (SSN) corrections you will need a scanned color copy or your Social Security Card. -
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Online Self Service
Address, email, and phone number changes or corrections can be done in your Student Center at
Log-in with your MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8540
Maricopa County Community College District transcripts are automatically sent between campuses and are free of charge. Official transcripts are $5 each. Note: Transcripts can only be requested online using the method mentioned on the Rio Salado Transcript page. Rio Salado no longer produces official transcripts in-house.
Click here for submission instructions.
Used by Students to request their unofficial or official Rio Salado College transcripts*.
· Official – Embossed with College Seal ($5.00 Each)
· Unofficial – No College SealTranscripts within Maricopa Community College District are automatically sent (Free).
Form Requirements
· Transcripts WILL NOT be issued to any student with an outstanding debt at any of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Log into your Student Center to check for any outstanding debt.
· Verify that all grades have been posted in your Student Center* or at -
Processing Time
See Transcripts Page
Phone: (480) 517-8540*Grades posted in RioLearn may not yet be posted to your official transcript.
Verification/Certification Request (Dynamic Form)
Request verification for dates of attendance, major, GPA and registration status.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is used by students to provide verification of their dates of attendance, major, GPA and/or current registration status at Rio Salado College.
Verifications can be:
·Picked up by the student*
· Mailed to the student
· Mailed to a 3rd Party (i.e. Employer or Student Loan Provider) -
Form Requirements
Student must have already begun or completed at least one class. Any future classes will require a separate request.
Processing Time
Requests begin processing 9 days after the start of the class.
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*Students may be required to wait 9 calendar days after the class has started to pick up their verification letter.
High School GPA Submission (Dynamic Form)
The Maricopa Community Colleges utilize two processes for determining college course placement for students with submission of a qualifying high school GPA as the primary process and placement testing as the secondary process. Students with a high school cumulative, unweighted GPA of 2.60 or higher and who have completed at least two years of high school or who have graduated from high school no more than 10 years ago may submit an unofficial high school transcript using the link above. The high school GPA will be entered on the student's record and can be used for course placement in accordance with the MCCCD Course Placement Chart.
Click here for submission instructions.
Students who are under 18 years of age that are requesting special admissions to the college. The student’s parent or legal guardian will also need to provide consent electronically after the student completes their portion of the form.
Form Requirements
· Admitted to Rio Salado College
· Meet Special Admission Requirements- High School Transcripts with passing scores
- Placement Test scores for placement in a English, Reading, or Math course. Students under 15 must take the placement test regardless of courses they plan on taking.
- Original copies of ACT (22+) or PSAT (93+) or SAT (930+) Scores.
- Students have not yet graduated from high school or earned a GED.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to seven business days
· In all other months - up to five business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*FERPA Releases are only valid for one year from the date of submission.
Petition for Semester Overload (Dynamic Form)
Students who wish to take courses above the semester limit of 18 credits in fall or spring, 12 credits in summer must submit this form. Courses within the term include those which are graded and withdrawn.
Click here for submission instructions.
Students who plan to take more than 18 credit hours in the Fall or Spring semesters, or more than 12 credit hours in the Summer semester.
Form Requirements
Admitted to Rio Salado College or any Maricopa Community College
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Phone: (480) 517-8540
*FERPA Releases are only valid for one year from the date of submission.
Prerequisite Verification Form
Individuals who have successfully completed courses at other U.S. regionally accredited universities and colleges and/or ACE evaluated programs and credits who would like to enroll in a Rio Salado class which requires a prerequisite must request an evaluation of these courses.Click here for submission instructions.
To request to have previously completed courses from other institutions applied as prerequisites for Rio Salado College courses
Form Requirements
· Clear and legible copy of your unofficial transcript(s)*
· Admitted to Rio Salado College
· The course prefix/section number of the Rio Salado course you would like to enroll in. Please use our class schedule page for assistance. -
Processing Time
Requests are processed by start date, meaning courses beginning earlier in the semester are given priority. All students should expect a response no later than 5 days before their selected start date. If a request is submitted within 5 days of the desired start date, expect to be notified of processing within 1-3 days.
Upon verification of prerequisite, students will be enrolled in their requested courses with their requested start date unless otherwise notified via email. -
Students log in with their MEID and password
Email: Phone: (480) 517-8091
*Must be from a U.S. regionally accredited university, college and/or ACE evaluated program. Not all credit accepted in transfer will necessarily apply to your degree, program or certificate. All transcripts must have the student's name, ID, name of school, course grades, and when the course was taken. Transfer credits are not accepted.
Registration by Proxy (Dynamic Form)
Students who are unable to register themselves during a semester may have another person perform enrollment actions (add, drop, and withdraw from classes) on their behalf by designating a proxy. To designate a proxy, please click here to complete the Registration by Proxy form. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.
Click here for submission instructions.
Students who are unable to register themselves during a semester may have another person perform enrollment actions (add, drop, and withdraw from classes) on their behalf by designating a proxy. However, you must sign a release if you wish to authorize Registration by Proxy. This form (along with a FERPA release) must be processed by the Admissions, Registration and Records office before the designated proxy can perform enrollment actions on behalf of the student.
Form Requirements
Students must be admitted to Rio Salado College or Maricopa Community College and have an active FERPA on file for the intended designated proxy.
Processing Time
· January and August - up to five business days
· In all other months - up to three business days -
Students will need to login with their MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8540
* Registration by proxy permission is granted by the term only and expires at the end of the term designated below.
Disability Resources Services
For students who need to manage their or sign up for disability accommodations.
Click here for submission instructions.
DRS Connect is where students sign up or manage their disability accommodations.
Form Requirements
Processing Time
2-3 Business Days
Phone: (480) 517-8562 -
Accuplacer Placement Form Request form for math placement in MAT187 and above, proctored by Meazure Learning’s ProctorU Platform. A secure remote online proctoring service that allows you to take your Accuplacer test when it is most convenient (24/7/365).
Alternative Testing Request Form Proctoring request form for Rio Salado Midterm and Final exams for: SSH, SUS, EDU, and MNT.
Rio Salado Exam Proctor Request Form Proctor Request From for Rio Salado College students who need to take their in-person proctored Midterm or Final Exam and do Not live in Maricopa County or are enrolled in a MOER Math Course.
For Certiport Exams email the Testing Center at
For other Rio course exams, please contact your instructor. For all other exam information and proctoring services, please contact us directly. We are open remotely by phone & email to answer your questions.
480-517-8560 | |
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Veterans Services
Request for Approval of Dual Program/Certificate (Dynamic Form)
For students who are doing two different degree or certificate programs but they're designed to help obtain one career. This is needed for VA compliance as students are//generally only able to do one program.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is required if a student is doing two different degree or certificate programs but they're designed to help obtain one career. This is needed for VA compliance as students are generally only able to do one program.
Form Requirements
Concurrently completing multiple unrelated programs (i.e. AAS Dental Office Management and CCL in Accounting).
Processing Time
1 Business Day
Phone: (480) 517-8153, toll free at 877-517-8153
Email: -
Request for Benefits (Dynamic Form)
This form is required every term to declare that a veteran and/or dependent wants to activate their VA educational benefit. The enrollment will not be certified without it.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is required every term that a veteran and/or dependent wants to activate their VA educational benefit. The enrollment will not be certified without it.
Form Requirements
Processing Time
1 Business Day
Login with your MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8153, toll free at 877-517-8153
Email: -
Transcript Evaluation Form for Military and Veteran Students (Dynamic Form)
Transcript evaluation form for those who are active military, veterans, and/or dependents. Those using and not using VA educational benefits.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is a transcript evaluation form for those who are active military, veterans, and/or dependents. Those using and not using VA educational benefits.
Form Requirements
· Clear and legible copy of your unofficial transcript(s)* to upload.
· Admitted to Rio Salado College
· Select a Rio degree, certificate, or program of study.
Processing Time
1-2 Weeks
Login with your MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8153, toll free at 877-517-8153
Email:*Must be from a U.S. regionally accredited university, college and/or ACE evaluated program. Not all credit accepted in transfer will necessarily apply to your degree, program or certificate. All transcripts must have the student's name, ID, name of school, course grades, and when the course was taken. Transfer credits are not accepted.
Veterans Affairs Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form (Dynamic Form)
This form is required when a veteran and/or dependent using VA education benefits has completed two consecutive terms of Academic Probation with a cumulative GPA less than 2.0. This appeal form requires signatures by the Military Academic Advisor and a Veterans Services representative.
Click here for submission instructions.
This form is required when a veteran and/or dependent has completed two terms and has a GPA that is still below 2.0 resulting in probation. This appeal form requires signatures by the advisor and the Coordinator of Veterans Services.
Form Requirements
Obtain documentation supporting your appeal.
Processing Time
1-2 Weeks
Login with your MEID and password.
Phone: (480) 517-8153, toll free at 877-517-8153
Email: -
Financial Aid
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