Homeschool Transcripts


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Homeschool - High School Transcripts Guide

The home school high school transcript must clearly display the following information:

  1. Student's name (first, middle, last) and date of birth
  2. For each course completed, include the following:
    • Specific course title
    • Units of credit for each
    • Time frame or semester in which completed
    • Grade received
  3. Description of grading system used such as a grade scale or grade key
  4. Graduation date (month/day/year) indicating completion of secondary school education
  5. The home school administrator is the person who organized, taught, and evaluated course work. If the home school administrator is not the parent named in item 7 below, include the name of the home school administrator.
  6. The following statement, or one very similar, is to appear above the parent signature line described in item 7 below:

    I, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly attest that this student has completed a secondary school education in a home school setting on the date indicated and under the laws governing the state and county in which the home schooling occurred.

  7. Name and address of parent or legal guardian with a space for their signature. The transcript is to be signed in the presence of the Notary Public (see item 8 below).
  8. The transcript must be notarized; to include:
    • Notary Public Signature
    • Printed Name
    • Date
    • State / County
    • Date Commission Expires

The transcript must be mailed by the preparer directly to the college Admissions and Records Office.

If assistance is needed in creating a home school high school transcript, the following website may be helpful: