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Empower learners everywhere through innovative education.Rio Salado College Vision

One of the most impactful ways you can help impart positive change on our students’ lives is by lessening their financial burden of attending college.

Every financial gift you make to scholarships enhances the educational experience of these students. Join others like you who are dedicated to making a difference by helping students when you donate to one of these scholarship funds:

Rio Salado College Alumni Association Program Fund
The Rio Salado College Alumni Association program fund supports student scholarships, conferences, events and materials needed to assist student activities.

Jo C. Bennett Student Assistance Fund
The Jo C. Bennett Student Assistance fund supports a Rio Salado College student when there is an immediate financial support need to prevent situations that may cause the student to drop out of college.
Candidates for this assistance must complete an application with the Rio Salado Counseling Department, be enrolled in a minimum of three credit hours or be enrolled in Adult Secondary Education (ASE), Adult Basic Education (ABE), or English Language Acquisition for Adults (ELAA) classes.

The Rio Salado College Greatest Need Fund
The purpose of this fund is to support programs, projects, activities, scholarships, or initiatives that impact the college and/or its students.

Donate Today to Make a Difference in Students’ Lives
Support one of these student scholarships to make a difference today. Donations are accepted securely online using the form below. To learn more about these and other giving opportunities, email

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