Earn a Degree or Certificate


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Earn a degree/certificate


Students in the "I want to earn a degree or certificate" category are seeking to complete a degree, certificate or program at Rio Salado College.  If this does not apply to you, and you only want to enroll in one or more classes, see the enrollment steps for I want to take a class.

Admissions video tutorials

To view this in Spanish, visit our YouTube station.

Enrollment Steps

Use our Enrollment Steps guide to keep track of your progress (English version | Spanish version). By filling out this guide, you will remember where you left off in the enrollment steps. You can also click the enrollment steps in the left navigation panel on this page to move through the steps.

There are four steps to Rio Salado Community College’s enrollment process:

  1. Get Admitted
  2. Complete Tasks in Student Center
  3. Register for Classes
  4. Make Payment Arrangements

Step 1: Get Admitted*

* If you are a Military/Veteran student please go to our Military and Veteran Services page.