Wellness Wednesday: What To Do When A/C Is N/A


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Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Wellness Wednesday: What To Do When A/C Is N/A

Wellness Wednesday: What To Do When A/C Is N/A

Air conditioning is man’s best friend when the summer comes around. It’s important to remember, though, that A/C is a luxury; not every building, city, or even country has it. You may find yourself in situations where you can’t simply spin a dial and get immediate frosty relief. Don’t be alarmed! There are things you can do to stay cool and safe during the summer when A/C is N/A.

We’ve put together a few things you can do to stay cool during the summer when air conditioning is not around or unavailable. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, take your vitamin D, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables: all of these factors are critical to keep you in good health while you brave the intense summer heat.

Fabrics That Breathe

Wear loose-fitting clothing made out of cotton or linen. These fabrics have natural properties and weaves that let them “breathe” (i.e. allows more air to flow through them). Also consider investing in sheets with lower thread counts to sleep in on hot nights. Higher thread counts have more weaving per square inch, trapping heat under the covers while a lower thread count breathes like a linen shirt.

Long Sleeves 

It may sound counterintuitive but if you have to work or spend a lot of time outdoors during summer you should consider wearing long sleeves instead of short ones. For starters, long sleeves help protect your arms from UV rays and sunburns. Long sleeves also help keep you cool by trapping your sweat underneath the fabric, which will keep your skin cool and your body temperature at an even keel.

Hot Peppers

This may also sound like a contradiction but eating very hot foods can cool you down. That’s because hot peppers and other chilis cause you to sweat, which keeps you cool. Just make sure you’re properly hydrated before chowing down on some ghost peppers because sweating can dehydrate you.

Shut It Down

If you want to cool down the inside of your house, start by closing the curtains and blinds. Open them only in the evenings. You should also close the door to any room you’re not using. You want to keep the cool air circulating close to you and not having it dispersed to parts of the house that no one is using. If the inside of your house is much cooler than it is outside, keep your windows closed. However, if the temperature is close to the outside’s level of heat, open your windows while keeping the blinds and curtains closed. This will let cooler air into the house while blocking any sun rays from shining in and heating up the interior.

Icy Fan

A simple trick to stay cool indoors is to place a bowl full of ice in front of a fan. Running the fan air over the ice will create a cool and relaxing misty breeze.

Cold Towels

A very effective way to keep cool is to wrap a wet handkerchief, bandana, towel, or other cloth around your neck. Make sure it's soaked in cool water. This will help regulate your body temperature. Once it starts to get dry, simply wet it again and repeat! 

Article by Austin Brietta


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