National Transfer Student Week: Why Transfer Your Credits?


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Monday, October 16, 2023
Picture of Alexa Horn framed in graphic clouds
University Transfer Fair image

National Transfer Student Week takes place annually on the third week of October to celebrate transfer students and those who support them through their academic journey. This week, we will highlight important transfer information each day and offer tips and advice from Rio Salado College advisors and students to help you on your transfer journey.

Transferring credits as a student can offer several benefits, depending on your individual circumstances and goals. Here are a few reasons for why students choose to transfer their credits

  1. Cost savings - Transferring credits from a community college that offers lower tuition like Rio Salado to a four-year college or university can help you save money on tuition and other expenses. This is especially beneficial if you complete the bulk or all of your lower-division coursework at a lower-cost institution before transferring to a more expensive one.

  1. Accelerated degree completion - If you have already completed some general education or major-specific courses at a previous institution or through a dual enrollment program, you can potentially graduate sooner, saving time and money.

  1. Access to specialized programs - Transferring credits may allow you to access specialized programs, majors, or fields of study that are not available at your current institution. This can help you pursue your academic and career interests more effectively.

  1. Meet general education requirements – Sometimes courses at traditional institutions can close due to full enrollment – or the opposite, lack of enrollment. Taking the equivalent class at an online college and transferring the credits back allows students to stay on track to graduate on time.

  1. Diverse educational experiences: Attending multiple institutions can expose you to different teaching styles, perspectives, and campus cultures, enriching your overall educational experience. This can also be advantageous if you move to a new city, state, or country for personal or academic reasons.

Whatever your reasons for transferring credits, it is important to work closely with academic advisors at both your current and prospective institutions to ensure a smooth credit transfer process and to make sure your chosen path aligns with your academic and career goals.

Meet Alexa Horn

Alexa Horn earned two associate degrees from Rio Salado College in 2021 as a dual enrollment student before transferring to the University of Arizona to continue her education. She will graduate in May 2024 with bachelor's degree in physiology and a minor in Spanish. She then plans to enroll in Northern Arizona University's doctoate of physical therapy program in August 2024.

"I chose Rio to take dual enrollment classes in high school to get ahead for college. It saved me a lot of money on textbooks and tuition at university and will allow me to graduate a year early.”

Find more information about transfer options at Rio Salado College.

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Want to learn more about the transfer process? Join in any of the upcoming, in-person events held at Maricopa Community Colleges.

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