Check Out Our Library For National Library Week


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Monday, April 8, 2024
National Library Week

April 7-13 is National Library Week! First established in 1958 by the American Library Association, National Library Week is an annual celebration of the vital role our nation's libraries play in civic life. When it comes to promoting the free exchange of information, libraries across the world have carried the torch for preserving & presenting access to culture & knowledge.

The theme for this year’s National Library Week is “Ready, Set, Library!” This theme is meant to convey the connectivity of libraries. When you need them, they’re there to connect you with new ideas, skills, and offer you a contemplative space to process them.

Rio Salado has a library that offers both in-person and virtual resources to our community. Interested in learning more about what the Rio library can do? Check out the National Library Week 2024 guide our library staff have put together to learn more about our library team and what they do for the Rio community.

What The Library Offers

A library is more than a place where you can check out books and media like DVDs, and Rio Salado’s library is no different. In addition to offering a wide range of print & digital titles, the library also provides research & educational tools that can help students with their work. 

These tools include:

  • Databases that cover a variety of topics (including languages, culture & diversity, art, environmental studies & sustainability, and more!)
  • eBooks
  • 32 research guides for specific academic topics that offer links to magazine articles, news pieces, biographies, streaming films & images
  • Video tutorials
  • Resources on how to properly evaluate the accuracy of print & web sources
  • Citation primers to give you insight on how to do proper APA and MLA style citations), annotated bibliography, and how to avoid plagiarism
  • The Rio Salado Outcome Works Lab (OWL), a one-stop resource for tips on information literacy, reading, writing, critical thinking, and oral communication.

Rio Library à la Carte

Are you taking classes on-campus and want to go to the library while going to lunch? Check out our new Rio Library à la Carte initiative! Every Tuesday the library staff will provide a book cart full of good reads and movies to check out at the Rio Cafe from 11:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Library Hours

The Rio Salado library is located on the 5th floor of our Tempe location. It’s open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m, Monday-Thursday and from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday. If you have questions for the library, you can reach out by calling (480) 517-8424 or by using our Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat.



Article by Austin Brietta

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