Rio Salado College President Kate Smith attended the 65th Annual Plenary Meeting hosted by the Arizona-Mexico Commission (AMC) and Comisión Sonora Estados Unidos (CSEU), held Oct. 24-25 in Hermosillo, Sonora to present updates as the AMC Education Committee Co-Chair.
The purpose of the Plenary Meeting is to identify actionable projects that confront shared challenges and create shared opportunities that will benefit the Arizona-Sonora region.
“The partnerships created by the Arizona Mexico Commission and the Comisión Sonora Estados Unidos are instrumental in preparing students for a dynamic, binational workforce,” Smith said.
Smith shared updates about the AMC education committee’s achievements and future action plans. She was joined by her Sonoran counterpart, Secretary of Education and Culture Lic. Froylán Gámez Gamboa to discuss the committee's progress in promoting training and research among cross-border education communities and facilitating innovative partnerships that enhance student cultural and academic experiences in Arizona and Sonora— including a new partnership agreement with the Maricopa Community Colleges.
Both took part in the signing of a new Memorandums of Understanding between Sonora and the Maricopa Community Colleges District, which includes teacher education exchange programs, study abroad programs, joint academic binational projects, community partnerships, apprenticeships, internships and other joint initiatives.
“This new agreement deepens the cross-border exchange of knowledge, increases access to cross cultural higher learning, and helps prepare a highly skilled workforce and a sustainable future,” said President Smith.
The two-day Plenary Meeting called, “Una Megaregión Verde e Interconectada / A Sustainable and Interconnected Megaregion,” was led by Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs and Sonora Gov. Alfonso Durazo, who also addressed workforce development initiatives, with a focus on sustainability, infrastructure, and growth. Learn about a related environmental cooperation agreement signed by the governors in this KJZZ story.
Partnering institutions involved in AMC and Sonora education committee initiatives meet regularly to share updates and exchange ideas. Toward that end, Rio Salado hosted a three-day Education Summit Feb. 20-22 with approximately 60 representatives from more than a dozen universities from Sonora and the ten Maricopa County Community Colleges. The event included discussions about opportunities across both regions for semiconductor instruction, student learning, faculty and student exchanges, artificial intelligence uses, art and culture, and online English learning.
“These meetings are leading our work and actualizing our action plans— as was the case with the new agreement with the Maricopa Community Colleges,” said Smith. “Our ultimate goal is to build upon the Arizona Mexico Commission’s successes over the past 65 years, with a focus on preparing a workforce that is globally minded, agile, skilled and committed to lifelong learning— given the rapid pace of change in the workforce.”