MCCCD is now accepting student applications to become a student senator!
Becoming a student senator with the Maricopa Student Senate (MSS) is an exciting opportunity! Each college is represented by one senator who gets to represent their peers, voice concerns, and advocate for positive change across the Maricopa Community Colleges for one academic year.
The commitment runs from August through May, with senators meeting in Tempe in-person one Tuesday per month from 6 to 8 PM.
Becoming a student senator is a chance to develop leadership skills, be mentored, collaborate with college and district leadership, and influence decisions that shape the student experience. It’s a fantastic way to grow personally, professionally, and build an impressive resume!
To be eligible, students must;
- have completed at least six (6) credit hours with a 2.5 GPA by the time they apply
- be enrolled in at least six (6) credits per semester
- commit to serving one academic year
Interested students can read more on this MSS page and apply by following the application link here or on the MSS page. Applications close on Friday, March 28 at 5:00 PM.