Social Responsibility
The student will demonstrate awareness of varied perspectives, knowledge of the principles of civic discourse, and understanding of the impact of individual and collective action on contemporary social issues.
Four-Point Rubric
4 = High level evidence of socially responsible principles and practices
3 = Demonstrable, competent, expected evidence of socially responsible principles and practices
2 = Minimally acceptable, inconsistent evidence of socially responsible principles and practices
1 = Poor, unacceptable evidence of socially responsible principles and practices
Varied Perspectives | 4. Demonstrates a high level of awareness of how history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs, and practices affect one's own and others' perspectives. 3. Demonstrates adequate awareness of how history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs, and practices affect one's own and others' perspectives. 2. Demonstrates basic awareness of how history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs, and practices affect one's own and others' perspectives. 1. Demonstrates a low level of awareness of how history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs, and practices affect one's own and others' perspectives. |
Civic Discourse | 4. Demonstrates a commitment to using effective strategies to discuss topics of public concern. 3. Demonstrates adequate understanding of strategies for discussing topics of public concern. 2. Demonstrates basic understanding of effective strategies for discussing topics of public concern. 1. Demonstrates minimal understanding of effective strategies for discussing topics of public concern. |
Social Issues | 4. Evaluates individual/local actions in light of their potential to impact broader social issues. 3. Seeks to identify the consequences of individual/local actions and their impact on broader social issues. 2. Demonstrates basic understanding of the consequences of individual/local actions and their impact on broader social issues. 1. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the consequences of individual/local actions and their impact on broader social issues. |