Accelerated Course Calendars


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Accelerated Course Calendars

Most Rio Salado online classes can be taken in an accelerated format. If you prefer fast-paced classes, this option may be right for you. However, the shorter the class length, the more time you will need to devote to your class studies each week.

Getting Started

  • Refer to Rio Salado's online class schedule to see if a class is offered in accelerated formats.
  • You must log in to your class in RioLearn to be able to select an accelerated course calendar.* Not all courses offer accelerated course calendars.
  • You do not need to follow the procedures below if you wish to stay with the default course length.
  • Note: Please be advised that choosing a shorter class option after the initial set-up of a payment plan will directly impact the amount and number of monthly payments of your payment plan.
  • If you wish to change your calendar option, you must do so within the following time frames:
The original (default) calendar: You must make the calendar change within:
Less than 4 weeks 2 calendar days including the class start date
4 - 5 Week Class 3 calendar days including the class start date
6 - 7 Week Class 4 calendar days including the class start date
8 Week Class 5 calendar days including the class start date
9 Week Class 6 calendar days including the class start date
10 - 16 Week Class 7 calendar days including the class start date

*Some Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition and Geology classes require you to select the 8-week class section at time of registration.

Selecting an Accelerated Course Calendar in RioLearn

Selecting an Accelerated Course Calendar in RioLearn

Review the instructions below to choose an accelerated course length for your class. If you want to stay with the current calendar (default course length), select Cancel as no further action is required.

  1. Select the course that you wish to take in an accelerated format. Not all courses offer accelerated options.
    Step 1
  2. From the course home page, select Gradebook from the menu on the left.


  3. In the Gradebook, select the Due Dates tab and then click Select Calendar.


  4. If you want to change your calendar option, select the agreement checkbox confirming that you have read the course syllabus and understand that your drop/withdraw period is shortened.
    Note: Please be advised that choosing a shorter class option after the initial setup of a payment plan will directly impact the amount and number of monthly payments of your payment plan.


  5. Click the Select button above the column with the accelerated option.


  6. When you have selected a new calendar option, the following notification displays, indicating that your course calendar has been successfully updated.
    Click OK to return to your course home page.
