Wellness Wednesday: The Sporting Life


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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Silhouette of a man playing golf

Working out is more fun with a friend. The value of having a workout buddy is well-documented. It’s having a mutually supportive relationship where you motivate each other to stay committed to physical wellness. A workout buddy doesn’t have to be a one-on-one thing: it can be a team endeavor! That’s one of the benefits of playing sports. Sports can help you foster and deepen your personal relationships while also acting as a repeatable (and fun) physical activity you can build a cadence around. If you’re wondering which sport to make a part of your exercise routine, we’re taking a look at some of the more popular recreational sports to see how they can positively impact your physical health.


Baseball’s kinder, gentler cousin, softball is a great choice for a team sport that promotes social interaction and bonding. It’s also less physically demanding than baseball and has a lower impact on your joints, shoulders, and elbows. Playing softball can improve your coordination and concentration. Softball requires explosive bursts of movement, making it an anaerobic workout that can burn fat while strengthening your bones and muscles.


One of the world’s most popular sports, soccer can be a highly effective way to exercise. The sport involves almost constant running, making it an intense cardio workout. Regular bouts of recreational-level soccer can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, increase lean muscle mass, and reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.


If you're looking for a whole-body exercise, tennis can be a great choice. All you need is a racket, a ball, some supportive tennis shoes, and a partner to get in a fun and intensive workout. Tennis is great for cardio, improving coordination, strengthening your arm and leg muscles from the rigors of running across the court and serving the ball, and engages your core to maintain proper balance. Regularly playing tennis can raise your metabolism, increase physical stamina, lower blood pressure, and lower your resting heart rate. There have also been studies that have found that people who play tennis on a consistent basis tend to live longer.


Speaking of sports that involve whacking a ball with a racket, pickleball can also help promote healthy living. Pickleball improves hand-eye coordination, strength, and agility. As a fun social activity, pickleball can also lessen the risk of depression and stimulate the production of oxytocin, the “love hormone” our brain produces to reward and motivate us to form strong social bonds with others.


Another fun sport to play with friends that can help you burn calories is kickball. Kickball engages many muscle groups, especially your glutes and hamstrings. It’s also a strong core workout: throwing the ball engages your upper body muscles.


Want to spend more time outdoors? A great way to get plenty of fresh air and natural sunlight is to get in a game of golf. Playing golf can alleviate stress, improve lung function, and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. If you opt out of using a golf cart, it’s also a great way to get your steps in as you walk from one hole to the next. Golf is also a low-impact sport, making it a good choice for the elderly and people recovering from injuries or dealing with physical disabilities.

Due Diligence

If you haven’t played sports in awhile, it’s a good idea to see your doctor first to make sure you’re physically able to do this on a regular basis. You also want to make sure you have the right equipment and good shoes. Bring plenty of water and electrolytes so you can stay hydrated during the game (and make sure you’re well-hydrated BEFORE you start as you will lose a lot of fluid while exercising). Don’t be afraid to ask for help from other people who play the sport to make sure your form is on-point. You don’t want to injure yourself by taking bad swings or having a stance that strains your muscles.


Article by Austin Brietta

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