Military Advisement FAQs


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Military Related FAQs


FAQs related to these topics:

  • Registration
  • Getting Started
  • Courses
  • Homework
  • Grades

Military Advisement FAQs

Please refer to section 2.3.9 in the Rio Salado Academic Catalog.

The Maricopa Community Colleges offers certificates and degrees in a variety of areas. Each certificate and degree has specified program requirements for graduation. See certificate and degree information for specific program requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these requirements.

Candidates for graduation must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Complete the minimum number of credits required for the certificate or degree. For degrees, at least 15 credits must be completed at the awarding college. For certificates that are 15 or more credits, at least 6 credits must be completed at the awarding college. For certificates that are 14 or  fewer credits, at least half of the credits must be completed at the awarding college. Exceptions to this institutional residency policy must have prior written approval of the program director, department/division chair, or designee and documentation of rationale and approval included as part of application to graduate.
  • Meet the general education, program requirements, and electives for the certificate or degree required. Requirements can be satisfied by MCCCD coursework, prior learning assessment, and transfer credit. No more than 45 credit hours can be accepted and applied to a degree using transfer credit and/or prior learning assessment. Transfer credit and prior learning assessment does not count as  hours in residence for graduation requirements. Exceptions to this institutional policy must have prior written approval of the program director, department/division chair, or designee and documentation of rationale and approval included as part of application to graduate.
  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a four-point grading scale in all letter-graded courses (100-level and above) (completed in residence and accepted in transfer) used to fulfill requirements at the college granting the degree or certificate. Some awards may specify additional GPA requirements.
  • Remove all deficiencies (e.g. incomplete grades, missing transcripts, national test results, etc.) on the record to use those courses toward program completion.
  • Fulfill any financial obligations with the college.
  • File a Petition for Graduation with the Admissions & Records/Enrollment Services Office.

AutoAward Policy: MCCCD has an auto-award program that identifies some students who have completed a degree or certificate and never submitted a Petition for Graduation (e.g. Reverse Transfer). However, this program is limited and students should not depend on it for graduation. The Petition for Graduation should always be submitted when a student is intending to graduate.

Please review the Residency for Tuition Purposes. You will need to complete the Residency Paperwork; MCCCD Domicile Affidavit & Lawful Presence for Admissions and Records prior to the start of your scheduled courses. All students must verify U.S. citizenship or lawful presence to be eligible for in-state tuition.

Information and instructions for verifying citizenship/lawful presence and Domicile Affidavit forms can be found here.

We’re currently using these forms for out-of-state students to grant the Military Tuition Rate.

There are three forms to choose from: Independent Student, Dependent Student (dependents of parent or spouse) or Veteran Student.

  • Active Duty - Submit Independent Student and attach Military Orders or LES
  • Active Duty Out-of-State Address - Submit Independent Student and attach Military Orders or LES
  • List Date of Residency for Arizona as 01/01/2010.
  • MyCAA & Veteran Dependents - Submit Dependent Student
  • MyCAA students will need their spouses to attach their Military orders with your name present. If the name doesn’t match, a marriage certificate may be required.
  • Veteran Dependents will need to submit the Certificate of Eligibility
  • Veterans - Submit Veteran Student and attach a DD214 or LES

If you have taken and passed the correct prerequisite course at another college, submit a Prerequisite Verification Request Form and attach a copy of your transcript. After your request is processed, you will be notified and enrolled in the course. Processing time is one to five business days.

If you're a New Student please visit Start at Rio Salado for Military.

You can also contact a Military Advisor at (800) 517-8153 or Military.Advisor@riosalado.edufor assistance with course selection. We receive your request within 24 hours and will send a confirmation once enrolled.

If you are using Tuition Assistance some branches take longer than others for Approval:

Army = 7 days prior to enrollment but courses close in GoArmyEd 2 weeks prior, contact Military Advisement if you're planning last minute and make sure you already have your course materials in advance. Remember, Rio Salado College is an LOI (Letters of Instruction) educational institution and all courses must be processed in GoArmyEd for approval. 

Air Force, Marines; Coast Gaurd, Navy = 14 days Prior to chosen enrollment start date.

If you are paying out of pocket or setting up a Payment plan, You can begin courses on any available start date you'd like if not in a Block Schedule (Ex.Degree Seeking Student). If in Block, please utilize the Block Planning Tool to help register your approved start dates.

Unless a shorter time frame is specified in the syllabus, online students may be removed from their classes after 14 days of non-participation with a Withdrawn Failing (Y) grade, which counts like an F in GPA calculation. If you receive financial aid of any kind, it is your responsibility to protect your eligibility to receive financial aid by meeting the active participation requirements of your online class.

Please refer to section 2.3.2 in Rio Salado Academic Catalog.

You may also try to request a Due Date Extension Request with your instructor.

Please review your syllabus for each class, there will be information about homework submission. If you have a question regarding your homework, email your instructor for assistance.

Unless a shorter time frame is specified in the syllabus, online students may be removed from their classes aft er 14 days of non-participation with a Withdrawn Failing (Y) grade, which counts like an F in GPA calculation. If you receive financial aid of any kind, it is your responsibility to protect your eligibility to receive financial aid by meeting the active participation requirements of your online class.

Please refer to section 2.3.2 in Rio Salado Academic Catalog.

Please contact our Instructional Helpdesk

Your instructor will keep you up-to date on grades for your assignments. Final grades are usually posted to your transcript 1-4 weeks after the end date of the class. You are able to access your grades through your Student Center. 

Military Advisement

FAQs related to these topics:

  • Student Agreement Forms
  • Testing
  • Books
  • ArmyIgnited

Military Advisement

Before you can get a Student Agreement Form, you must complete a Transcript Evaluation Request Form.

Once all prior credit has been evaluated towards a degree program offered by Rio Salado College, you will be contacted by a Military Advisor to your student email. We will go over remaining course selections and results of your evaluation. Once completed, a copy of the SAF is sent to you as a courtesy via Email so that you can use it as a guide when selecting courses toward your academic program.

For ArmyIgnited students, a copy will be uploaded to ArmyIgnited to be posted on the portal. You will be required to show your SAF to your education office and or sign, then upload your digital signed copy to the portal as well. Failure to complete this task may result in a flag on your account holding you from enrollment until you have a SAF on file. This process ranges from 5-7 business days once submitted to ArmyIgnited.

Contact our Military Advisement Team
Local Maricopa county students: (480) 517-8153
Toll-Free: (800) 517-8153

Your Student Agreement Form (SAF) will list credit received and remaining course requirements.

Exams are presented in two forms: At-Home or as a Proctored Exam. Please read your Syllabus to see if you require a Proctor Request Form during the first week of each class.You can submit the Proctor Request Form online at: Rio Salado Proctor Request. You can ask a Second Lieutenant or higher to proctor your placement exam where you are stationed or have your Education Center on base proctor your exam.

Please visit the Testing Page for current testing procedures or restrictions.

If you are in-state, you can take your placement test at any of the Maricopa Community College testing locations. Just call in advance for their hours of operation. Here are Rio Salado Locations.

With regard to a placement exam, you can also pay a fee to take it with

Placement Proctoring Process

Students NOT located in Maricopa county at the time of testing may arrange to take their placement exam(s) at an Approved Accuplacer Remote Testing location or use the approved Remote Virtual Online proctoring service: 

Please note the following conditions:

  • Remote testing is arranged for students located outside Maricopa County
  • There may be proctoring fees required. The fee is the responsibility of the student.

Students who are out of the country may have limited test sites available. In this case, please contact the Rio Salado Testing center at 480-517-8560 or by email at
Steps to setting up a placement exam:

  1. Contact a testing center in your area (local college/university) to ask them if the test center is an Approved ACCUPLACER Remote Testing Location and if they are willing to proctor your ACCUPLACER math, reading or WritePlacer placement tests.
  2. Once you have confirmed your proctor is willing and able to administer your ACCUPLACER placement exams, please submit a Proctor Request Form here. State it will be with Proctor Name:, Proctor Title:, and Institution:
  3. Your request may take 1-2 weeks to be processed and you will receive a confirmation email one your testing voucher has been sent to your proctor.
  4. Student will contact Proctor to set up and appointment to test. Please ensure to take your email confirmation with you to test.

If you have questions about your request or placement testing procedures, please contact Rio Salado College Testing at (480) 517-8560. 
For more information on ACCUPLACER Study Materials, Policies and Scores please click Here.   

You can contact the Military Advisement Team at Rio Salado College by email at or by phone at (480)517-8153 or toll-free at (800)517-8153 to request course placement results.

You can place an order for your books at the online Bookstore. Upon checkout, you will be sent an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) based on ZIP or Country Code. Be sure to allow plenty of time to ensure book arrival prior to the start date of your course.

Military Advisement

FAQs related to these topics:

  • Transcripts and Degree Plans
  • Military and International Transcripts

Military Advisement

To change your program of study (your degree plan), you must notify your military advisor (1-800-517-8153) to have a new RioCompass program checklist and Student Agreement Form (SAF) created. You also need to submit a Transcript Evaluation Form for any new program plan.

Go to, a free database of links to colleges/universities worldwide, to request transcripts from prior educational institutions.

Rio Salado College does not require you to send SAT/ACT test scores. High School Transcripts or GED equivalency; in addition, to previous College Credit needs to be submitted directly to our Admissions and Records.

Mail transcripts to:

  • Rio Salado College
    Admission and Records / Transcript Processing
    2323 W. 14th St.
    Tempe, AZ 85281-6950

For the purpose of a Transcript Evaluation Request Form, Unofficial Transcripts are acceptable; however, if credit is applicable to the degree program, an Official Transcript must be sent to Admissions and Records directly from the Institution prior to applying for Graduation.

Contact our Military Advisement Team:
Maricopa County students: (480) 517-8153
Toll-Free: (800) 517-8153

All military training and MOS/Rate duties will appear on your Joint Service Transcripts or CCAF transcript. These areas have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). An advisor at Rio Salado College will evaluate your military transcript, previous college courses, and CLEP/DANTES credits toward requirements of your degree or certificate goal. Keep in mind that not all training will be applicable toward your program of study. However, we will enter all military credits onto your Rio Salado College transcript.

When we receive your transcripts, we will evaluate them and complete your Student Agreement Form (SAF). As college transcripts arrive, we will update your SAF with any courses that apply toward your academic program.

Most transcripts from Puerto Rican colleges can be evaluated by a Rio Salado College advisor. Transcripts from colleges in other countries will need to be sent first to an international credential evaluation service. There will be a fee for this service. Here is a list of the links to several of these agencies: