Step 3: Make Payment Arrangements


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Step 3: Make Payment Arrangements

Paying for College

The options for paying for college include paying it in one payment or through financial aid, military benefits, scholarships and scheduled payment plans.

Log in to your online Student Center at for information on your owed balance and payment due dates. Rio Salado College does not mail you invoices for tuition you owe. You can view and print a copy of your invoice in your Student Center.

Tuition Deferment Procedures

If you are using VA education benefits to pay for classes, the Veterans Services office can help with a tuition deferment while you wait for VA funding to pay. Please submit your VA Request for Benefits Form as soon as you register or contact the Veterans Services office for more information at If you’re attending more than one Maricopa Community College and Rio Salado College is your “Home School”, please also submit the Veterans Services Parent School Letter Form to defer payments at our other campus locations. 

Deadlines for Active Duty & MyCAA Tuition Assistance Request 

  • Army must submit their Tuition Assistance no later than 10 days prior to a start date. The $15 Registration fee per a semester is only covered by Army.
  • Marines, Navy, and Coast Guard must submit their Tuition Assistance no later than 14 days prior to a start date. The $15 Registration fee per a semester is not covered by the branch of service.
  • Air Force / Space Force must submit their Tuition Assistance no later than the week prior to a start date. The $15 Registration fee per a semester is not covered by the branch of service.
  • MyCAA must submit their Tuition Assistance no later than 10 days prior to a start date. The $15 Registration fee per a semester is not covered.

Once we receive your Tuition Assistance, a No Enrollment Cancellation will be added to your Student Center for the length of your course. Invoicing takes place between the First - Fifteenth of the following month of your start date. 

If you’re not using financial aid or Military/Veteran Benefits, be sure to pay your tuition balance and fees by your due date or risk being dropped from your classes. Tuition and fees must be received on the day you register by 6 p.m. (MST) if your class starts in 10 days or less.

If you are using Financial Aid and attending more than one campus location, please make sure you’ve submitted a Consortium Agreement 10-15 business days prior to your start date. Consortium Agreements will not be approved if the courses have already started. 

*Due no later than your assigned Semester Block Start Date. The semester start and end dates for the Host school must fit within the assigned Semester Block.

Access Your Classes

Get started in RioLearn to get information about:

Note: Be sure to look at your registered courses in RioLearn soon. Some assignments might be due the first week of class. Learn more about Technology Requirements

Maintain your Success & Never Drop a Class

In order to remain on Tuition Assistance or the GI Bill, students must hold a 2.0 G.P.A. or higher. Failure to successfully complete your courses can result in consequences for those actions. We ask that you reach out immediately to or call 480-517-8153 if you’re looking to drop or withdraw from a course. We will discuss your options first.
Be aware:

  • Withdrawn Failing (Y) grades – Students may be removed from their classes with a Withdrawn Failing (Y) grade for non-participation after 14 consecutive days, which counts like an F in GPA calculation. Reported Y grades will have a financial effect on the use of Military Benefits.
  • Reported Withdrawal (W) grades will have a financial effect on the use of Military Benefits if you’re past the “Full Refund” withdrawal dates:
    • You are given 5 days to drop an accelerated 8 week course
    • You are given 7 days to drop a full-length course
    • Refund Exemptions may be approved if “a student in the Armed Forces or the Arizona National Guard who is called to active duty and assigned to a duty station, verifiable by a copy of the orders, will be allowed to withdraw and receive a 100% refund of tuition, provided courses have not been completed” (Ref. Refund Policy 2.2.10).
  • Extension (in lieu of an incomplete grade): Students may request an assessment extension because of illness or other extenuating circumstances, if they have been doing acceptable work. Assessment extensions may extend up to two weeks beyond the established course end as indicated in the gradebook. Please Note: Assessment extensions are given at the instructor’s discretion. Instructors are not obligated to give extensions. 

Check Your To Do list

Be sure to check your official Maricopa student email account and your To Do list in your Student Center at for important messages. Click each item in your To Do list to learn about actions you may be requested to perform.

Purchase or Rent Your Textbooks and Course Materials

The Rio Salado College Campus Bookstore offers some books for rental. They also offer used textbooks and a buy-back program. See (website) for more info.

To ensure you’re successful, make sure to have your course materials prior to your start date. If you’re overseas, please plan accordingly and allow enough time for shipping and customs clearance.


Consumer Information for Veterans and Active Duty

Need Assistance?

Military: email or call 480-517-8153
Veterans: email or call 480-517-8153

GI Bill registered trademarkGI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site.