How to Enroll


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How to Enroll

he Incarcerated Re-Entry-Distance Learning (IRE-DL) team has partnerships with most of the facilities across Arizona. Our forms can be provided to potential students in the prison library or education staff. The first step for incarcerated students is to contact the educational representative at the facility to ensure you follow prison policy regarding taking classes. For students located out side of Arizona, the IRE team will need a contact at the facility to verify the student can take a class and to verify how the facility wants materials mailed to the student.

For students we encourage the AA and SAGEC programs. Please review the IRE Program Check Sheets. When a program is selected, IRE-DL staff can continue to guide the student and FERPA contact in enrollment in the next course in sequence to complete the program.

Required Forms and Enrollment

  1. Complete the Student Admission Application (PDF) and the FERPA form authorizing us to work with a person the student wants us to communicate with regarding enrollment. If a student is enrolled in an onsite prison program and PV or Lewis, the SAA form may not be needed.
  2. Provide a method of payment using the Self-Pay form, VA form or IRE scholarship application (in-state students only). Please list contact for payment on self-pay form, tribal pay, non-profit, or other person to contact regarding payment.
    1. In-State Payment Form (PDF) 
    2. IRE scholarship a self pay matching program for In-State Students
      1. Students can take up to 4 classes a semester
      2. Since we have start dates every Monday, we encourage students to start with one class and a month or two after the class, start the second class.

Return form(s) to Rio Salado's Incarcerated Re-Entry Distance Learning (IRE-DL) department. 

The IRE program follows prison regulations and the Maricopa Community College District Policies for students and enrollment. Those most applicable include: